Harvesting Progress: A Season of Triumphs at Sabina
As the golden hues of the dry season embrace South Eastern Uganda, Sabina Boarding Primary School blossoms with achievements and joy. From connecting hearts during Visitation Day to reaping the benefits of our corn harvest, every facet of our core pillars has seen inspiring developments. Join us as we walk through the thriving fields of Education, Community, Sustainability, and Infrastructure.
Director's Reflection
The Realities of Managing a School with a Dedicated Team
Our co-director and school manager, Ann-Marie, gives us a heartwarming and inspiring glimpse into the daily life, challenges, and successes at Sabina School. Guided by determination and compassion, her words embody the spirit of our program.
"As I just finished a couple of months of work at Sabina School, I am filled with emotions reflecting on what Maria, Megan, Deborah, and I have been part of. Every weekend, the school buzzes with activities, and it's a profound experience to see the dedication from all involved.
Across the ocean connections: In July, we hosted a virtual interactive coffee hour with our long-time Sabina supporters - Christ Episcopal Church, which was informative and heartwarming. Our choir had a unique opportunity to perform one of their favorite songs, and our children met their sponsors one-on-one. They were excited to see the progress of the library program they initiated and have been supporting for over a decade. We appreciate the additional child sponsorships, continued support to the library, and donations that will go towards our WASH program.
We will always be grateful for your constant spiritual guidance, incredible love, and support.
Thank you, CEC friends, partners, and donors.
Since 2022, I've committed to managing Sabina on campus for six months yearly. Last year, I was blessed to have my cousin, Megan Hehir, from Ireland, visit our school. She spent a few weeks here and then decided to dedicate her time and talents to Sabina for the entire year of 2023. We are both officially Ugandan Foreign Residents!
Our days begin with the campus coming alive at 5:45 a.m., as some students head to class, and wind down around 9:00 p.m. with students returning from night revision classes. Between those hours, we're working in the gardens, classrooms, extra-curricular programs, and on administration matters.
In my role, I engage closely with the administration staff, addressing multifaceted aspects that range from budgeting and financials to curriculum design and creative tuition collection solutions for struggling families. But our responsibilities extend beyond mere numbers and educational goals. We're intimately involved in nurturing the holistic well-being of our young learners and staff. This task involves managing health issues, preparing meals with students, and tending to the school's infrastructure. With this season's terrible rainfall, we grappled with many maintenance challenges - plumbing, electricity, solar power, broken windows, consistent school-wide blackouts, and more.
From wet to dry season: The famous words of our country are, "Auntie, I have a problem." To this, I reply, "Please, tell me." The latest challenge took me into the garden with Wilson, our head of Permaculture. He showed me how our newly planted coffee seedlings suffered from the lack of water and intense sunshine. We faced a dilemma: Should we allow our plants to die or find the necessary funds to purchase a pump and hose to nourish our gardens? After a call to my co-director, Maria White, I was informed of a blessing from our friend Paul, who had recently donated to our program, allowing us to use some of the funds to buy this necessary item. Thank you, Paul. Because of supporters like you, we averted a significant problem.
Each problem is a learning opportunity; each challenge is a step towards creating a resilient and supportive learning environment. This multifaceted role is not just about managing a school; it's about building a community where every detail matters.
In Uganda, school management often divides staff into teaching and non-teaching staff. But at Sabina, we are different. Here, everyone is valued as a teacher, including our house mothers, cooks, security guards, and gardeners. Everyone teaches, and we embrace learning every day, no matter what role you play in school.
Join us as we continue to foster a supportive and nurturing environment at Sabina. We still have a long way to go, but I have faith that together, we're making a difference in the lives of our students, one day at a time. Thank you for being a part of this beautiful journey."
- Ann Marie Davis
Connection and Inspiration - Sabina's Visitation Day
Once each term, we warmly welcome parents to visit Sabina. During the recent visitation day on July 16th, parents connected with their children, teachers, administration, and fellow parents while receiving updates on our school's growth and initiatives. Children showcased their talents through lively Music, Dance, and Drama (MDD) performances, choir, and a Television broadcast skit performed by Club Glow. Parents were also treated to delicious buns baked by the students,
Club GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) members led a thoughtful discussion on teenage pregnancy, displaying their knowledge and skills on this critical subject matter. Through role-play, they educated children and parents on the challenges girls face and how they can overcome them. The entire audience was awe by the children's professionalism and confidence. Together, we're building a brighter future at Sabina, and these shared experiences strengthen our community.
Parents visiting their children all the way from Kampala
Our young drummers performing for their parents
Traditional dance performance
A big turnout on visitation day
Fostering Creativity: Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Over the last two months, ECE teachers and administration have participated in several workshops focusing on "play-based learning." Our teachers have worked tirelessly to incorporate everyday items like colorful bottle tops, rocks, painted sticks, and toys into their lesson plans. These items are used as aids to create letters, numbers, and shapes, making an exciting learning environment for the children. Additionally, on visitation day, we briefed the nursery parents on the progression of our ECE center, and they were ecstatic to see the changes in the classrooms in which their young children learn.
Nursery children building with recently donated legos
Learning simple math with colorful bottlecaps
Sabina's Sports Season: Netball and Football Victories
Let the games begin! The sports department has been busy training their teams in netball and football for the competitive sports season. In addition to friendly matches with local schools, the teams have participated in two significant tournaments, where they were awarded certificates or trophies for achieving first and second place. The government tournament selected some of our players to represent the Sub-County at a higher level.
Sabina U16 team
Excited netball team after winning three trophies
An Unforgettable Missionary Childhood Day
On July 9th, our local church celebrated Missionary Childhood Day, gathering over 7,000 children from nearby schools at St. John Baptist church. This year’s theme, "Doing Mission Together in Communion," guided a day marked by unity and compassion.
The celebration included a mass led by the parish priests, uplifting choir performances, first holy communions, and an inspiring speech by our very own Allen Nakasozi, who was selected to be the guest of Honor to speak on behalf of the rest of the children. Her message to the children reminded them how fortunate they were to have education, access to medical care, food, and a place to sleep, while others in their mother country had little or none. She emphasized the importance of children giving back to others who are more in need. Together, we are teaching our children the values of empathy and community.
Over 7,000 children attended the mass and celebrations
Guest of Honor & FOS student - Allen Nakasozi
Graduate Nurse Alo's Gives Back to Sabina Students
A past student of Sabina, Aloysious Sserwada graduated from nursing school and is now a registered nurse in Kampala. After participating in the recent medical camp, he volunteered his time and talent by providing once-a-month health visits to address medical needs at the school. On his recent visit, he saw almost 100 students with flu, coughs, and allergies. Additionally, we hired a dentist from the local clinic who came and assessed more than 100 children, treating those who had emergencies. We are grateful for their commitment and time given to us as these visits ensure illnesses on our campus are addressed and treated.
Aloysious, a past Sabina student, dedicates time to do health check-ups
Local dentist visits Sabina to care for students
Growth Through Gardens
As the golden rays of summer touch the soil, the Sabina gardens are in full bloom, particularly with our corn crops. This season is not just about reaping what we sow but an opportunity to cultivate minds, strengthen community bonds, and take firm steps toward a sustainable future. It's a living testament to what can be achieved with dedication, collaboration, and a vision for growth.
P7 science teacher and Wilson teaching students to harvest corn
Maria, a P7 student, harvesting corn
Corn Harvesting: Education and Nourishment
The students at Sabina School have been actively participating in the harvest of maize under the guidance of Wilson, our head of permaculture, and their diligent science teacher. This hands-on experience has allowed them to engage with nature and learn about the lifecycle of plants, all while contributing to the harvest of corn to provide the school with posho! Posho, also known as Ugali, is a staple food in Uganda that symbolizes unity and is a crucial part of the local diet.
Celebrating Jan Smart's Legacy and Continued Support
We were honored to welcome back Jan Smart, a generous donor and supporter who has been with us for over three decades. Her contributions, including initiating the permaculture program, have left a lasting impact on the community. During her visit, she observed the progress in Sabina Gardens and was part of a special dinner, where staff and friends from the Sanje community expressed their gratitude for her contributions. Her overwhelming support has paved the way for our new coffee sustainability efforts, ensuring that Sabina's legacy of growth and education continues to flourish.
Jan Smart, her daughter Hellen, Uncle Ddembe, and Sabina directors observing the progress in Sabina gardens.
Dinner for staff with testimonies to Jan Smart
Gifts for Growth
Looking ahead, our school and students need your help! We are seeking sponsors for four teachers, mosquito nets to combat malaria, and funds to purchase a school bus to safely get our students to school. Your contributions, no matter the size, make a world of difference in the lives of our students.
Whether in the classroom or the garden, every smile and triumph is a testament to the difference we are making together. We sincerely thank you for standing with Friends of Sabina, and we encourage you to join us in our upcoming initiatives. Together, let's continue weaving a fabric of hope, education, and community, sowing the seeds for a flourishing future at Sabina Boarding Primary School. Thank you for your unwavering support.
If you would like to learn more about sponsoring a student, visit the Friends of Sabina website.
With gratitude,
Friends of Sabina Team