Get Involved

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela
Sponsor a Project
After a detailed analysis of the current state of the school, several capital projects have been identified and prioritized for immediate attention, including but not limited to: new construction and major renovations of existing buildings. Additionally, FOS has identified general operating needs to ensure the safety, security, and hygiene of the school meets and exceeds national standards. These capital projects, renovations, and general operating expenses will require investments of approximately $500,000. A breakdown of the financial support needed for each project is outlined below…
Nursery Block & Program Resources
In Uganda, the government guidelines and law requires nursery school buildings to be separate from primary school buildings; however, due to lack of funding, Sabina was forced to begin their nursery program within the confines of the primary school block. Thus, the need for the new nursery school building. This project is shovel-ready and will begin upon completion of the KCLC and dining hall renovation. FOS embraces early socio-emotional development, so the importance of this project is significant.
Capital Improvements & General Operating Funds
Sabina buildings and other physical resources were built using state of the art standards in the 1990s. Over the years, due to lack of funding, maintenance and rehabilitation of the spaces have been minimal. Throughout 2020 and 2021, FOS has addressed many initial concerns however, additional funding is needed to address current inadequacies. Improvements including, but not limited too:
• Enhancements to student learning environment
• Expansion of agriculture/permaculture program
• Build a computer lab and advance our Information Technology training program
• Renovate dormitories and dining hall
• Purchase a bus for student transportation
• Build teacher's accommodations
Support a Student
Our student scholarship program covers all aspects of a child’s primary education, including: tuition, school supplies, hygiene requirements, uniforms, room and board, and additional holiday tutoring programs for P6 & P7.
The cost to provide this scholarship for one student is $600 per year or $50 per month.
*Our monthly payments are recurring until you stop them, however, one-time payments are not recurring and you will be notified annually for the opportunity to renew your commitment.
100% of your donation will be directly used for our Scholarship Program. Upon your commitment, you will receive a profile of the student--including their education and family background, hobbies, and other interests. Additionally, you will be able to connect with students through chaperoned communication over email and letters. Periodic updates and information about the student will be shared throughout the Scholarship duration.
Support a Teacher
Paying teachers a fair wage is a basic right and imperative for Sabina’s educational program success. Currently, the only school income is limited to student tuition fees and donations. Historically, families in this rural community have struggled to earn enough wages to pay for their student’s education and many relied on donor support and scholarships. With unreliable income, teachers often receive less than full or fair payment on a regular basis, rendering the faculty to be underpaid as compared to the Ugandan standard for teacher’s salaries. Your scholarship guarantees Sabina’s teachers are recognized for their hard work and commitment for the love of learning while being encouraged, motivated, and supported with fair wages.
The average cost to support one teacher for a full year is $1,800 per year or $150 per month.
*Our monthly payments are recurring until you stop them, however, one-time payments are not recurring and you will be notified annually for the opportunity to renew your commitment.
100% of your donation will be directly used for our Scholarship program.
Support the Community
Friends of Sabina’s work at the school and throughout the community is never-ending. We are always graciously accepting donations for various school projects, updates, and supplies. Some of the school supplies and textbooks at Sabina have not been replaced in over 20 years!

Friends of Sabina is a group without borders, and welcomes you to share our love of learning with the Sabina program in Uganda. Diverse donations and support can include in-kind contributions of hardware, specialized skills, professional teaching and faculty training/development, learning materials, sports and extracurricular program gear, along with arts and cultural program development.
FOS eagerly awaits welcoming volunteers to visit us in Uganda; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we must seek further direction from government and health officials to ensure the safe and healthy continuation of programming.
*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Annual Sabina Mission Trip was postponed. Stay tuned for further information as we look to reschedule for 2022.
Long-Term Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to join our core of dedicated volunteers at Friends of Sabina, please send an email to regarding your interest.
We are currently seeking volunteers in the US for the following positions
Outreach Coordinator
Sponsorship Coordinator
Financial Manager