Celebrating New Beginnings and Securing the Future
As the rainy season continues to water the seeds planted throughout Sabina, we're thrilled to share with you the exciting progress we've made across all our core pillars: Infrastructure, Education, Community, and Sustainability at Sabina Boarding Primary School. But first, a note from Maggs Hehir, a Friends of Sabina volunteer, who was on campus in October.
Volunteer’s Reflection
Maggs Hehir
I learned about Uganda and FOS through my cousin Ann Marie Davis, one of Sabina school's directors. This journey dates back many years since 2014, and I have been listening to her amazing stories of the work, children, and wonderful people at Sabina school and the community. I knew one day I would embark on a journey to Uganda and see with my own eyes the "Pearl of Africa." My daughter Megan Hehir took the first step and bought a ticket to Uganda after completing university. She spent one month volunteering at Sabina school in 2022. In December last year, my daughter and I fundraised for money and items we gladly donated to the school. Megan returned to Uganda in January, and I followed her in February of this year; it was a life-changing trip for me. Some major highlights of my experiences are the ability to deepen my relationship with Sabina while observing my daughter’s growth through her leadership and work on the ground. Additionally, I have loved spending time with my sponsored daughter, Allen, and her family. I have gained another daughter, and Megan has a sister, which is so special for us.
Within a few days of arriving, I celebrated the University graduation of Moses Nsubuga, a student supported by our FOS directors. It was beautiful to see his dream come true of obtaining a bachelor's degree. I also attended a funeral to support our teacher, who just lost his father in the Sanje community. These events were both an authentic cultural experience.
Then, going through the gates of Sabina, I was overwhelmed by the massive welcome from the students and staff - it brought tears of joy to my eyes. As I walked the campus with Deborah, the FOS sponsorship coordinator, the new improvements seen since my last visit were vividly evident. The compound is immaculate, with white stones in the pathways, new grass, rubbish bins, and functional incinerators. Upon entering the classrooms, seeing a big change in the learning environment since my last visit was nice. It is great to see the children so happy at Sabina. One observation is the unfinished bathrooms under the WASH program, which is challenging for the students and staff. FOS needs to fundraise to complete the project.
During this trip, I have spent my time doing what I enjoy: painting. I have loved being a part of re-freshening the campus and showing some of the kids how to paint! I also watched the local artist, Fred, work his magic on campus, and I greatly admired his talent.
I am honored to be a part of FOS in their struggle to change this community in Uganda. I have also been motivated at home to spread the word on how beautiful Sabina is, which has played a significant part in gaining support from our home country, Ireland. I'd like to give a special thanks for the tremendous support shown by everyone in our community. It is my hope that we can continue this generous spirit.
Graduation day celebrations
Maggs & Megan hard at work
Let the Work Resume!
We are blessed to receive donations that have enabled us to restart the critical, outstanding work of the WASH program. This program has been on hold since the first term of 2023. Fortunately, we could extend electricity to the boy's and girl's bathrooms, which have been in a complete blackout since the students returned to school. As well as this, with the arrival of Maggs Hehir, we have started painting the bathroom's exterior as we are awaiting funds to complete the interior. Ann Marie Davis has returned to Uganda to prioritize the outstanding needs of WASH with Co-director Stephen Sango and to monitor the work being done:
Finish the build-out of the boy's and girl's dormitory bathrooms interior.
Build out the interior of teacher's and student's school block bathrooms
Finish three hand washing stations.
Complete the interior and exterior of new bathrooms for our temporary staff quarters
Finish the sewage system
Complete the water-harvesting system
As mentioned in previous newsletters, we still need to raise the remaining $50,000 to complete the project and positively impact the lives of these future leaders. The time to act is now - we cannot afford to wait any longer.
If you have any questions or prefer to discuss your contribution personally, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated FOS directors, Maria or Ann. They are available to assist you and ensure your donation is utilized effectively.
Act now! Your immediate support can keep the revived W.A.S.H Program running.
First undercoat given to the school block bathrooms
Girls' and boys' dormitory bathrooms get lights
Beginning of Term Three
We were excited to welcome back our students to the final term of the 2023 academic year. The parents were thrilled to return their children to Sabina on time to allow them to fully participate in the fantastic educational and co-curricular programs.
Besides tuition payments, all students must bring items in-kind that are kept in the food store to be used throughout the term. These items include beans, sugar, reams of paper, toilet paper, and brooms. This system has worked very well for the parents as it reduces the pressure to pay high tuition fees. Proper documentation, management, and consumption must be in order, which is what the team on the ground is constantly executing and overseeing through stock counts and implementing controls.
Please note FOS continues to support their vulnerable sponsored children with school and personal requirements in partnership with their guardians, who provide what they can.
Sabina’s Store of Students Requirements
Sports Department Surprises
On arrival, Maggs Hehir surprised the soccer team with two huge suitcases full of donations from the Clare Schoolboys and Girls Soccer League. They donated three sets of jerseys, socks, and shorts, which happened to match our school team colors! It was another joyous moment. Additionally, through community-wide support, we received 38 pairs of football boots. Now, we are embracing the Clare League’s Motto, “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí”, which means “Praise the youth, and they will flourish,” which is beautifully spread among our sports teams on campus. The coaches, team members, and the entire administration thank the whole Clare community for their love and support. Additionally, we thank Martina Keane, Martin Hehir, and Maggs Hehir for working with Megan Hehir on the ground to strengthen our sports program. The support has been immense.
Lastly, a neighbor of Maggs, Aidan Cuddihy, hand-crafted Sabina’s first set of Hurleys and donated sliotars (balls). Maggs and Megan are having fun introducing the Irish National sport to Sabina! Thank you, Aiden, and your company, Maccoda Hurleys.
Students practicing hurling
Students loving their new football sets and boots
Teacher Reflection
My name is teacher Emmanuel (Emma) Kwesiga. I joined Sabina School in January of 2023 as a Primary five Class teacher and math teacher for Primary four and five students. I have always dreamed of working at Sabina because it is one of the best primary schools in the region. It is also a school that supports underprivileged kids needing an education. For sure, it's another Home away from Home!
My new role as a class teacher came with challenges. This class was most affected by COVID school closures as primary three and four content was never adequately taught. The lack of content could have negatively impacted my teaching & learning process; however, my students and I developed strategies to improve the situation. Below are some of the strategies:
established small group setting for learning
changed the method of instruction from a teacher-centered
to a student-centered approachimplemented a reward system for the best learners
instituted one-on-one tutoring for struggling learners
The above strategies have greatly helped us, and Math is one of my classes' most loved and performed subjects. I hope my student's scores will double by the end of this term and all of them will be promoted to Primary Six.
Thank you so much, Sabina team, for working with me in achieving these results, and Thank you, Friends of Sabina Teacher Sponsors, for supporting our Teaching Program.
Final countdown to the National Primary Leaving Exams (PLE)
Seven days from today, Sabina’s 25 P.7 Candidates will sit for the most critical examinations they have taken. The National Examination Board monitors the entire process, from the development of the exams to issuing results, which will be done in January of next year. The students will test on the content they have learned in the past seven years in the four core subjects of Math, English, Social Studies, and Science. Our students have been studying from dusk to dawn since April; we applaud this determination. This examination will be the basis of selection to secondary school. Please join us in wishing them success in their exams.
P7 students happy with their mock results
Class of 2023
Tutoring Program
The tutoring program was introduced in March of 2023 to recognize learning differences among students. Generally speaking, there is only one teaching style for all students in a class. For this reason, Megan, our Irish volunteer, initiated this positive program to help a few students who needed additional support. She is delighted to report good progress academically and socially among the 15 selected students. Since August, she worked with a few interns to implement one-on-one tutoring for those who need that support. However, this program is still operating on a small scale, only touching a small number. We hope to expand with the help of funding in the coming year. We aim to develop a sustainable, comprehensive program with the administration team for 2024 and beyond.
Jackline off to university after three months at Sabina
Recent Intern Michael teaching two P7 students after school hours
Lending a Hand to Clean Up Our Community
As you enter the gates of Sabina, it is clear to see the commitment our headteacher Jude Ssentale has made to keeping a ‘tidy school’. In his other role as the town mayor, he is now spreading this message to the community. Jude coordinated with neighboring schools, and community members and invited Alex Kakeeto Mukasa, who is the King of Buganda’s Chief for the sub-county, Kasasa, to be part of this great clean-up. On October 21st, Sabina staff and students joined others as they worked together in gathering rubbish through the streets of Sanje. This vibrant and emerging town does not have an official dumping area for rubbish nor does it have a proper functioning sewage system. It is common for the town dwellers to dispose of their litter on the ground. The Sabina family picked up, swept, sorted, cleared trenches and burned rubbish as well as educated residents on proper waste management handling. It was a magical moment to see all the community goers and schools come together to make a change in their community. The King’s representative graced the function and was simply overwhelmed by the students' effort to fulfill the King's wish to keep his kingdom tidy. Thankfully, it was agreed that Jude would spearhead this initiative to become an end-of-month activity going forward.
Planting the Seed: Growing Sustainability with Sabina
Sustainability, sustainability, sustainability, which translates to self-sufficiency, has been the buzzword floating around FOS this year. For three and a half years, FOS has focused on improving infrastructure, providing staff training, and strengthening the WASH program.
FOS and its Sustainability Advisory Board assessed various options and concluded that the pathway to substantially reducing donor dependency would be best achieved by investing in growing Coffee. Coffee has proven to be a profitable export commodity in Uganda. After surveying the land, Sabina identified 16 acres that can be dedicated to this agricultural project. The exciting news is … WE OWN THE LAND!
It is our expectation that this 4- year project will begin to generate a profit at the conclusion of the third year. Profits should steadily increase in subsequent years as the plants mature. In order to ensure that what has already been achieved is continuously sustained, implementing this program will be vital. We are very optimistic about Sabina’s future toward self-sufficiency!
To begin this project, FOS needs to raise $50,000 immediately. Please consider partnering with FOS by donating to the future of Sabina’s SUSTAINABILITY, which will secure a brighter future for current and future students at Sabina.
We'd like to express our deepest gratitude to our FOS family. Your unwavering support and kindness continue to empower our school, our students, and our community. Until the next newsletter, stay safe, stay inspired, and remember that you are making a difference!
If you would like to learn more about sponsoring a student, visit the Friends of Sabina website.
With gratitude,
Friends of Sabina Team