Introducing Two Sabina Teachers
“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. ”
At Sabina, our teachers strive to instill the love of learning into their students. Over the years, they have used their own money to buy additional supplies and spent extra time with their learners because of their love for the Sabina community. We would like to introduce you to a couple of our inspirational teachers.
Annet Nabbanja
Francis Kalema
(Primary 6 and Primary 7)
Annet Nabbanja (Kindergarten)
Numbers of Years Teaching at Sabina: 11 years
Why Sabina: I love working with my colleagues during times of happiness and sadness.
Why Did You Become a Teacher: When I was young, I had a love for young children so I was encouraged to take teaching courses. I also love teaching songs and hymns during my leisure time.
Motivating Learners: I give them icebreakers like singing, dancing, modeling, rhymes and readers. I also draw objects in their books and they color. In case an individual performs better than others, I tell the rest to give him or her their flowers (a celebratory hand movement), handclaps and more.
Educator Goals: My goal is to become the head of Kindergarten at Sabina. I couldn’t teach my learners as well during COVID-19. I will be able to teach them better when they return.
Francis Kalema (Primary 6 and Primary 7)
Numbers of Years Teaching at Sabina: 1 year
Why Sabina: I heard about Sabina through a friend and he told me about the goodness of the school. So when there was a teaching opportunity, I had to apply.
Why Did You Become a Teacher: I wanted to change the mindset of traditional teachers who tend to use physical punishment as the model of settling disputes among the learners. (Sabina does not believe in using this model.)
Motivating Learners: I motivate my learners through on-spot appraisals. I love the self-drive, teamwork, and cooperation of the Sabina community.
Educator Goals: I would like to see a large number of my pupils being successful in life. I feel I have not given my pupils enough of my time. So, I commit to giving the rest of my time to my learners to help meet their academic needs.
Historically, many families in rural communities served by Sabina could not afford to pay full tuition at one time. Therefore, our teaching staff would often receive less than full or fair payments on a regular basis, but would still give their all to the students.
Our teachers at Sabina strive to be the best versions of themselves for their students. This includes attending additional training and learning the newest teaching techniques. Some of our teachers that live further away have families and still choose to rent a room to be closer to the Sabina School.
If you would like to support Annet, Francis or other teachers at Sabina school with the resources needed to enhance their students’ learning experiences and ensure they receive equitable pay please consider sponsoring one of our teachers. An average teacher salary is only $5.00 USD a day.
Kitchen Complex Update: As our teachers continue to build up our students, we continue to build up the kitchen complex at Sabina that will support the entire Sabina Community. This would not be possible without our generous donors.